ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Ensuring the effectiveness of criminal proceedings as one aspect of the functional purpose of the subject matter

Pages: 8-15
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article deals with one of the aspects of the functional purpose of the object of knowledge, which is to ensure the effectiveness of criminal proceedings. Attention is drawn to the fact that the investigations are subject to ways of ensuring the effectiveness of criminal proceedings related to the distribution of the subject matter of the subjects of criminal proceedings.

Taking into account the stated purpose of the article, a study was carried out to ensure the effectiveness of criminal proceedings as one of the aspects of the functional purpose of the subject of knowledge due to the analysis of theoretical points of view regarding the functional purpose of the object of knowledge; identifying ways of ensuring the effectiveness of criminal proceedings related to the distribution of the subject matter of the subjects of criminal proceedings.

Based on the analysis of different theoretical positions of scientists, it is concluded that the common in the functional purpose of the subject of control of the subjects of criminal proceedings is to ensure the efficiency of the proceedings, to ensure the rights of participants, to ensure legality, and so on. It is suggested that a higher level of competence should be held by a more knowledgeable and qualified lawyer. Among the subjects of the prosecution, it can be noted that the prosecutor takes a leading position with respect to the investigator, respectively, performs more qualified and more responsible work relative to the latter. The prosecutor is subject to a higher level of competence with respect to the investigator, and it would therefore be logical to present higher qualification requirements to candidates for the exercise of this function.

It is concluded that ensuring the effectiveness of criminal proceedings in connection with the distribution of the subject matter is through: 1) the division of labor between subjects of the same level, which promotes their skills and more organized production process; 2) division of labor between the executing entities and the authorities, which facilitates the organization of criminal proceedings; 3) the distribution of control and evaluation of the results of criminal proceedings by certain subjects of jurisdiction.

Keywords: subject matter, competence, subject of criminal proceedings, functional purpose, effectiveness of criminal proceedings.

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