ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



For Authors



Article language: Ukrainian, English.

The article is submitted to the editorial office of the journal in the original language. Articles in English that have been translated from Ukrainian should be accompanied by a document with the text in the original language, designed in accordance with the established requirements. Such articles are preliminarily revised by the translation quality check.

In case of inadequate quality of speech, the article is returned for revision. The editors of the journal offer authors the service of translating their articles into English at the request of the author.

Volume of the article: from 3,000 words to 10,000 words recommended, including annotations, drawings, tables, graphs, and bibliography.

Manuscript file format: MS Word (* .doc, * .docx)

Page orientation: book

Page format: A4

Font: Times New Roman

Fields: upper and lower – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm

Line spacing: 1.0

Font size: 12 pt

Paragraph: 1,25

Alignment of the main text of the article: the width of the page.

References: Times New Roman, 10 pt, interval 1.0; in English and Ukrainian; when translating the sources used into English, the use of transliteration is unacceptable.

Tables, figures, graphs, formulas:

  • should be numbered in Arabic numerals and placed directly in the text, where they should be in meaning (and not at the end of the document).
  • formulas must be created in the Equation Editor or MathType Equation.
  • figures and graphs should be located in the center, wrapping the image with text is not allowed.
  • figures are accompanied by explanatory signatures (under the figure, a separate paragraph), and tables – thematic names. Captions and names should reflect the content of images and tables, and be concise and informative. Each figure or table should be called in the main text of the article and indicate their serial number, for example: (Fig. 1), (Table 2).

Additional requirements for the text of the article:

  • all abbreviations should be deciphered at the first mention in the text. The abbreviation must be entered into the text in parentheses after the first mention of the corresponding full phrase and only then you can use the entered abbreviation;
  • submit all quotes in the language of the article (regardless of the original language), necessarily accompanying them with links to the source and a specific page;
  • reporting interest, clearly explain what you chose for 100%. If you write about relationships, relationships, etc., then clearly explain what and with what you compare.


The requirements for the structure and content of the article comply with the provisions the provisions of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 7152:2020. Edition. Registration of publications in journals and collections and EANR Recommendations (European Association of Scientific Editors) for authors and translators of scientific articles in English.

Elements of the design of the article

UDC index.

Digital Publication Identifier (DOI).

Information about the author (s).

Title of the article.



The main text of the article.



UDC Index

Universal decimal classification (UDC) is an international multilingual classification system that unites all branches of knowledge. To determine by yourself use following LINK

Must be left justified.

Digital Publication Identifier (DOI)

The digital identifier DOI is assigned by the publisher of the journal, it is placed in a separate line under the UDC index.

Information about the author (s)

Before submitting the manuscript, we advise you to familiarize yourself in detail with the order of placement of the author (s) and the requirements for the author (s) in the section Authorship and co-authorship policy.

It is not allowed to change the authors of the article at the stage of its consideration by the editorial board.

The information about the author should be the following elements:

  • fully prescribed name, patronymic, and surname of the author;
  • scientific degree;
  • academic rank;
  • position;
  • place of work of the author at the time of the study (name of the institution or organization, structural units of the institution, and address)
  • name of the country;
  • contact email address;
  • Unique identifier of the author of the ORCID ID studies. You can create ORCID on the official website

Noted after the DOI at the beginning of the article with center alignment. An example of the design of information about the author is given in the file “Sample for the design of the article,” which is located at the end of the page.

Information about the author must be indicated in Ukrainian and English. At the beginning of the article, information is presented in the language of the article. Translated information about the author should be indicated after the bibliographic description.

Title of the article

The title of the article should reflect the content of the study and correspond to its purpose, scientific results, and conclusions.

Below is information about the author (a gap of two lines), in Times New Roman font, pin 14 with an interval of 1.0, bold, aligned in the center of the page.


After the title of the article with an interval of one line, an annotation is provided. Abstract volume 200-300 words. The abstract must be in Ukrainian and English, Times New Roman font, pin 12 with 1.0 interval, italics.

The abstract should reflect the content of the article since for most readers it will be the main source of information about your research (many databases contain only the title and annotation).

The annotation should be structured and contain the following structural parts:

  • Background (briefly explain why you conducted the study);
  • Goals (what questions you set out to answer);
  • Methods (as you conducted the study);
  • Results (what you found);
  • Conclusions (basic data, relationships, explain the main results of your searches).

Pay attention to the EANR (European Association of Scientific Editors) Recommendations for authors and translators of scientific articles in English.


After the annotation should be noted 4-8 words or phrases through a comma. There must be a one-line gap before and after keywords. Times New Roman font, pin 12 at 1.0 intervals, italics.

! Information about the author (s), the title of the article, the extended abstract, and keywords of the article in English for Ukrainian-language articles or in Ukrainian for English-language articles are submitted at the end of the article after the list of literature.

Main text

Main text of the article: Times New Roman, pin 12 with an interval of 1.0, normal.

Structure of the article:

  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results and discussion
  • Conclusions
  • Thanks
  • Conflict of interest

Our journal is guided by the EANR Recommendations and uses an IMRAD structure. This is a convenient and understandable way to organize the material and give it a clear shape.

Each element of the structure should start with a new line and select bold.


In this part of the scientific article, scientists describe topical issues and formulate the main issues that will be covered during the study. The introduction also has its structure:

  • describes the topic and its relevance;
  • the latest research and publications with references to relevant scientific publications are analyzed;
  • specify the purpose of the study;
  • lists the tasks necessary to achieve the goal;
  • the scientific novelty of the work.

Literature references should be submitted in parentheses. In one link it is not necessary to quote more than 3 sources.

Analysis of recent studies and publications

This section is not included in the mandatory elements of the structure of the article, since it is optional. In part, the questions of this section are disclosed in the Introduction and the discussion section, but the author can include them in his article at his request.

The section should contain the results of research of scientists who were engaged in the analysis of certain aspects of the topic under study. Each surname of the researcher must be accompanied by a corresponding link from the list of used literature.

Materials and methods

The section describes the main stages of scientific work and justifies the choice of methods, techniques, approaches, or actions used to obtain new scientific research results. Strategies and criteria for sample formation are explained (if the article contains an empirical part), and the experimental base of the study is indicated.

Describe in detail how the study was carried out (for example, if you give statistics at work, then describe how the data were collected, the criteria, the origin of the analyzed material, the sample, the number of measurements, the age and sex of the participants, equipment, data analysis, statistical tests, software, etc.). You need to consider the factors that could affect the results.

This section should provide a complete picture of the progress of the study in such a way that it can be repeated by other scientists using the same materials and methods.

Results and discussion

This section highlights the main material of the study by the author and demonstrates the results achieved as a result of the study. For clarity, visualization elements are used as graphic materials, illustrations, and tables. Also, with the help of analysis, the results are evaluated in terms of importance and reliability. It is necessary to avoid value judgments, elements of the description of the methodology, and direct repetition in the text of the data given in the tables and graphic material. Digital results should be rounded according to the established rules, taking into account the average error of the experiment, the confidence interval, or the distribution of values. Research results should be sufficiently substantiated, methodologically correctly presented, and have novelty and practical value.

The discussion consists of the fact that the author answers the questions (specified in the Introduction) and compares his main results with the existing results of the works of other authors on the chosen topic: what is common in the obtained results, what are the differences, who considered other aspects of the problems, etc. We recommend comparing the results of your research not only with the studies of Ukrainian authors but also with the works of scientists from other countries. When analyzing publications on the selected topic, it is necessary to mention the names of the authors and indicate the essence of their work.


The conclusions should emphasize their main results and the practical meaning of their research. Literal duplication from annotation is not allowed. Also indicate the prospects for further research on the selected topic. Pay attention to the moments that could cause anxiety or were very important.


Remember all the people who have made a significant contribution to the study, but are not co-authors. Specify all funding sources.

Recommended form: “This work was done with the support of the Medical Research Council [grant number xxxx].” If there was no specific funding, use the following sentence: “This study did not receive any grant from any financial institution in the public, for-profit, or non-profit sectors” or indicate “No.”

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest is any interest or relationship that can be perceived as affecting the objectivity of the author.

If necessary, notify the editors of any conflicts of interest, for example, financial or personal ties with the manufacturer or with the organization that is interested in the submitted publication.

If there is no conflict of interest, then “No” is indicated.


The references are presented at the end of the article in two forms: “References” and “References” (APA style references (7th Edition).

First, a list is presented in the original language of the article.

In References, the bibliographic description of sources in a non-Romanesque font (Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, etc.) must be transliterated, and a translation into English should be submitted in square showers. If you have made a transliteration, then indicate at the end of the bibliographic description in square brackets in English the source language: [in Ukrainian], [in Chinish], etc. For example:

  • Pogoretskyi, M. (2007). Funktsionalne pryznachennia operatyvno-rozshukovoi diialnosti u kryminalnomu protsesi [Functional purpose of operational and investigative activities in criminal proceedings]. Arsis [in Ukrainian].

Links must be arranged alphabetically.

All references from the list of references should be given in the text.

For transliteration of the Ukrainian source, we recommend using:

Please note that the basis for legal references (laws, regulations, court cases, etc.) in the APA style remains the instructions from The Bluebook.

Detailed requirements and examples of the design of bibliographic records for APA style references and the format of refer

APA – international design style Scientific Publications 

Sample design of the article


When submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors should check its compliance with all the established requirements specified below. In case of non-compliance of the submitted work with the points of these requirements, the editors will return the materials to the authors for revision.

  • The manuscript is an original work that has not been previously published and is not under consideration in another journal (Anti-plagiarism policy and duplication of publications) (or specify an explanation in the comments for the editor).
  • The author’s original articles are written competently in Ukrainian or English.
  • The article corresponds to the subject of the journal (Topic HCJ).
  • Information about the author (s) in two languages (Ukrainian and English).
  • Article text view files are Microsoft Word documents.
  • The names of the files must correspond to the author’s surname and also contain the year and number of the journal to which the article is submitted, as well as the abbreviated name of the journal. For example Polіshchuk_Stattya_2023_1_VKS.
  • Bibliographic references to electronic resources in the text are accompanied by full correct URLs and DOI addresses.
  • The structure and design of the main text, tables, figures, and a list of bibliographic references meet the Requirements for the design of the article and the template of the article of the section “Information for the author.”
  • By submitting the manuscript, the authors agree that their articles will be published in the public domain under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).
  • The metadata of the article was filled in Ukrainian and English, including the authors “names in capital letters and the title, abstract, and keywords, both in English and Ukrainian.
  • All sources mentioned in the text are included in the References.
  • The author is familiar with the Ethics and Policies of the journal.
  • The author is familiar with the Public Contract (Offer).

Submission Procedure

Click Submit Article and follow these steps:

  1. Fill in the information about yourself (name, phone, email);
  2. Specify the title of the article and comments for editors (if necessary);
  3. Read carefully all the necessary sections and check the boxes to indicate consent;
  4. Download the article file, information help about the author (s), and additional files if necessary (review, extract from the protocol);
  5. Click send and expect a response.
  6. If you do not receive a response within the specified period, write to us by email.

A receipt (original or electronic copy) for payment for the publication of the article will need to be sent by email after reviewing the manuscript. 
