ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



International student exchange program: criminalization tendencies and activities of operational units to combat criminal manifestations

International student exchange program: criminalization tendencies and activities of operational units to combat criminal manifestations

Pages: 121-125
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Currently International student exchange programs (ISEP) are used by domestic, foreign and transnational criminal groups to cover up their criminal activities. For the purpose of prevention and suppression of these negative manifestations, there is an urgent need to increase the effectiveness of counteraction against unlawful acts in ISEP of our state. This should be used as a general social and special means of combating crime. The decisive point in the use of special means of combating crime is the role of operational units of law enforcement agencies. Surely, crimes in the sphere of ISEP are most often latent in nature. For the effective detection and proper investigation of such crimes, the integrated use of covert investigation procedures, means and methods are necessary, that only operational units of law enforcement agencies are currently having. The foregoing necessitates a scientific study of the issues of crimes counteraction in the sphere of ISEP by operational units of law enforcements.

The purpose of this article is to disclose the criminal risks and schemes of criminal activity that exist within the international student exchange programs and to determine the measures of operational units to counter crimes committed in this sphere.

The main results of the study are that the situation in the sphere of international student exchange programs is characterized by criminalization, the rapid spread and active transformation of various schemes of criminal activity, which, among other things, poses a threat to the national security of Ukraine. This is primarily due to the increase in corruption by representatives of law enforcement, regulatory authorities, and administrations of higher educational institutions and the use of contactors with a negative business reputation to obtain illegal income.

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International student exchange program: criminalization tendencies and activities of operational units to combat criminal manifestations