ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Laski’s charter of 1506: an act of incorporation of the legislation of the Кingdom of Рoland

Pages: 146-154
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article introduces the general public to the little-known monument of medieval Polish law – the Statute of Laski, which was adopted by the Radom Sejm in 1505, and was published in two parts the following year. The aim of the work is to analyze the components of the monument, as well as to identify the type of systematization made 500 years ago. The authors are of the opinion that the systematization is not in the form of codification, as modern historians in Ukraine and Poland claim, but in the form of incorporation, which provides for this type of systematization, which is carried out by streamlining regulations without changing their content by consolidation into a single printed publication by chronology or subject matter.

They refer to the systematization of Jan Laski as an official one, as it was performed by a private person, but in continuation of the decision of the delegates of the Seimas. The monument is named after the compiler, the famous reformer of the Kingdom of Poland – the Grand Crown Chancellor and Primate of Poland until 1510, Jan Lasko. At the initiative of the delegates and by the decision of the Radom Sejm in 1505, he translated well-known normative sources from Latin into Polish, arranged the Sejm decrees, certain international treaties, and monuments of Roman and Magdeburg law. The sources of city law placed in the collection long before the conquest of the territory of Galicia were valid sources in the Ukrainian ethnic territories.

The authors adhere to the position of the Polish historian of law W. Uruszczak that the adoption of the document by the Sejm gave both parts of the collection the status of a valid source of law, although some researchers deny this fact. The conclusions to the work state that the Charter of Laski of 1506, as an act of incorporation of Polish legislation, became a source of law for the western Ukrainian lands. The Statute in the Kingdom of Poland was repealed only at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth ceased to exist and its lands were divided between the Russian Empire, Austria and Prussia.

Keywords: Kingdom of Poland, Radom Sejm in 1505, Charter of Laski in 1506, systematization, codification, incorporation, Polish legislation.

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