ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 89-98
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article is devoted to researching the experience of building juvenile justice in Canada and analyzing it’s role in the development of juvenile justice in Ukraine. Today, our state is actively building a system of juvenile justice and borrowing the experience of states that have been creating child-friendly justice for many decades, and the Ukrainian system will need it very much. Studying the best world practices will make it possible to improve one’s own system, and Canada is one of the countries that has created effective juvenile justice. Thus, the purpose of the article is to analyze the history of the formation of juvenile justice in Canada and its role for Ukraine. The article concludes that Canada’s juvenile justice system has many years of experience, during which norms that work best in the field of juvenile justice have been tested. In Canada, there is no «punitive» approach to juvenile offenders. Such a system found its manifestation in Ukraine and continues to develop. In Canada, significant attention is paid to the prevention of juvenile delinquency, which helps to reduce the crime rate. Ukraine also pays attention to this, but not at a sufficient level, so this aspect needs additional regulation by developing effective mechanisms for the prevention of crime among minors. The Canadian experience shows that it is necessary to pay attention not only to the juvenile offender, but also to the victims and witnesses who are participants in criminal proceedings. In Ukraine, insufficient attention is paid to this issue, but development in this area is necessary for restorative justice. Key words: juvenile justice, juveniles, restorative justice, history of juvenile justice development, child-friendly justice.   REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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