ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 201-215
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of problematic issues of operational and investigative characteristics of espionage. The purpose of the article is to analyze the doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concept, content and structural elements of the operational and investigative characteristic of espionage and to formulate the author’s own definition of the concept of operational and investigative characteristic of espionage, and to reveal its content and structural elements of this characteristic. The article substantiates that the operational and investigative characteristics of espionage are an important component of its operational and investigative documentation. The importance of the operational and investigative characteristic of espionage is to create a certain information model, with the help of which operatives have the opportunity to obtain knowledge of the actual data subject to operational and investigative documentation in the course of relevant operational and investigative measures. Investigating the genesis of the term «operational and investigative characterization of crimes», the article concludes that this term is derived from the term «forensic characterization of crime». It is emphasized that the peculiarity of the operational and investigative characterization of crimes is due to the specifics of the purpose and tasks of the OSA, the solution of which is ensured by the use of appropriate forces, forms, methods and means. It is proved that the operational and investigative characteristic of espionage can be considered as: 1) the process of cognition of essential features (properties, characteristics, distinctive features) of crimes and recording of its results; 2) the result of cognition – a systematized set (system) of information about essential features (properties, characteristics, distinctive features) of crimes and the relationship between the elements of such a system; 3) a set of methods (techniques) for identifying and determining the still unknown information about essential features (properties, characteristics, distinctive features) of crimes based on the available information about them. The author formulates the concept of operational and investigative characteristics of espionage as a generalized information model which is a detailed systematized description of typical operational and investigative significant features of espionage, which is necessary for searching for the recording of factual data on espionage and is important for its detection and operational and investigative documentation. It is proved that the operational and investigative characterization of espionage includes the following main structural elements: the subject of direct criminal encroachment, the method of espionage, typical traces and information about the identity of the offender. Key words: operational and investigative characterization, espionage, operational search, fixation, cognition, factual data, operational and investigative documentation. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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