ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 109-119
Year: 2022
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Annotation. The scientific work draws attention to the correlations of the forensic characteristics of offenses based on the facts of forged covid-documents and their use during pre-trial investigation. In particular, such meaningful elements as: the identity of the criminal, the identity of the victim, the subject of the criminal offense, the circumstances of the crime, the methods of the crime and the trail picture are highlighted. The purpose of this article is to study current issues of forensic characterization of offenses related to the falsification of covid documentation. The methods of committing offenses are analyzed, the most typical of them are indicated, in particular, which consist in directly entering false information into the electronic database and issuing certificates and certificates to persons who do not have the right to receive them due to failure to undergo manipulations. And those that require careful preparation (purchase of technical equipment for the production of falsified documents, samples of real forms, seals, creation of programs imitating the work of «Action», searching for clients). The identity of the criminal is highlighted through a set of data on the subject’s socio-demographic, psychophysical, psychological, biological and other characteristics, his industrial, domestic, socio-legal characteristics. It is noted that the identity of the criminal is represented not only by medical personnel, managers of health care institutions me, but also by citizens who work in hospitals in non-medical positions or are not related to the medical field, and act through the Internet independently or in collusion with doctors, nurses, etc. It is emphasized that, in most cases, illegal actions are committed in complicity – by a group of persons with a prior conspiracy or an organized group. It has been proven that the forensic investigation of the identity of the criminal in criminal proceedings related to the falsification of covid documentation determines other elements of forensic characteristics (method, place, time) and should be taken into account for the detection and prevention of offenses. The trace pattern of the investigated offenses was investigated through the coverage of material, virtual and imaginary traces. The peculiarities of the situation of the offense and the subject of the criminal offense were considered. All mentioned achievements are confirmed by statistical data and practical examples. Key words: pandemic, coronavirus, health care facilities, covid certificates, identity of the criminal, forensic characteristics, forgery of documents. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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