ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 96-107
Year: 2023
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. It is proved that preventive detention is one of the specific measures to ensure criminal proceedings, which was introduced in connection with the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in Ukraine. It is stated that the existing gaps and inconsistencies in the legislation on preventive detention create significant risks of human rights violations, as well as reduce the effectiveness of ensuring the rights of persons to whom it can be applied, create preconditions for declaring evidence inadmissible. The purpose of the article is to obtain scientific results in the form of theoretical provisions for preventive detention and the formulation of proposals to improve existing legislation. The article analyzes the norms of the legislation governing the issue of preventive detention, draws attention to the inconsistencies of the norms of various legal acts, the existing gaps in the regulation of the grounds, terms and procedure of preventive detention. It is proved that the normative should be clearly defined: the concepts, grounds and conditions of preventive detention, its procedure. Based on the study, the author proposed amendments to the current CPC in order to improve the regulations of the institution of preventive detention. It is stated that the term “preventive detention” is not relevant to the meaning of the precautionary measure, which is understood by it. The author’s definition of “exceptional detention in the area of anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection” is offered. It is proposed to include in paragraph 2 of Chapter 18 of the CPC of Ukraine the article “Exceptional detention in the area of anti-terrorist operation / environmental protection” defining the concept, grounds and conditions of preventive detention, the procedure for obtaining permission for preventive detention, west; determination of the rights and guarantees of their realization by the detained person; the procedure for judicial control, determination of the status of property seized during a personal search and terms for its arrest.

Key words: preventive detention, precautionary measure, anti-terrorist operation, human rights and freedoms, criminal proceedings.



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