ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Guarantees of the rights of minors in criminal proceedings during interrogation

Pages: 123-131
Year: 2018
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The urgency of the topic of research is predetermined be involvement of a significant number of minors in the field of criminal justice, where their rights may be violated as a result of unfair or unprofessional exercise of their powers by representatives of the judiciary.

The purpose of the article is to study the procedural rights and guarantees of minors in criminal proceedings during interrogation and to develop, on the basis of their analysis, proposals for the improvement of these procedural rights and guarantees, taking into account the age-old features of minors.

The article analyzes the international treaties to which the state of Ukraine is a party, which establishes additional guarantees of the observance of the rights of minors in the field of criminal justice, analyzed the norms of the current CPC, which establishes special rules for interrogation of minors, and developed reasonable proposals in order to improve the relevant provisions of the CPC.

As a result of scientific research, it has been established that the procedural guarantees of a minor during interrogation should not extend to persons who have not attained the age of 18 but who have acquired full civil capacity, concluded that it is necessary to clarify the procedural status of a teacher, a psychologist, a physician who is involved in the interrogation of a minor and the specialization of investigators, prosecutors conducting criminal proceedings against juveniles.

It is proposed to clarify the procedural status and to establish requirements for a psychologist, teacher and doctor involved in interrogation of minors, as well as to improve the provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine, which regulate the procedural status of specially authorized investigators, prosecutors in criminal proceedings against juveniles, etc.

The necessity of further implementation of the norms of international law in the national legislation of Ukraine in the juvenile justice sphere, including the implementation of the relevant provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse in order to ensure the effective implementation of criminal proceedings against minors is given.

Keywords: minor witness, victim, suspect, teacher, doctor, psychologist, procedural guarantees, questioning. 
