ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

The features of attracting a specialist at the initial stage of the investigation of robbery committed with the home invasion

Pages: 189-199
Year: 2018
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article researches the problematic issues of attracting a specialist at the initial stage of the investigation of robbery committed with the penetration into the house. The tactical and organizational issues that arise in the investigator during the involvement of a specialist during the investigation are considered.

The author analyzes the theory and practice of attracting a specialist for carrying out separate investigatory actions at the initial stage of investigation of robbery. The article formulates scientific-practical recommendations on the use of special knowledge in the process of investigation.

At the initial stage of the investigation of robbery, in most cases there is a need to attract specialists from different profiles, both legal and non-legal, who have special knowledge on particular issues that arise during the investigation. Such specialists, as a rule, are criminologists, cynologists with an official dog, biologists, chemists, forensic physicians, psychologists and others.

It should be noted that the current legislation also lacks a clear definition of the concept of special knowledge. In some normative documents, the concept of special knowledge is used in the regulation of the conditions for carrying out certain types of expert research, where there is a need for the application of narrow professional knowledge. As a result, there is a debate about the definition of this concept in scientific circles.

Effective investigation of robbery committed with housing penetration is impossible without the participation of specialists. Taking into account the specifics of robbery with penetration into the home, it should be noted that at the initial stage of the investigation of this crime there is a need for attracting specialists from different profiles, namely, forensic, ballistic, chemical, biological, forensic, medical and others.

Keywords: robbery, penetration into the home, initial stage of investigation, special knowledge, specialist. 
