ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Prosecutor in criminal proceedings: constitutional and branch regulation of the functional orientation

Prosecutor in criminal proceedings: constitutional and branch regulation of the functional orientation

Pages: 20-26
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article is devoted to the research of the issue of relation between renewed provision of the Constitution of Ukraine and CPC of Ukraine regarding to functions and powers of the prosecutor within criminal proceedings. It is pointed that reconciliation between CPC of Ukraine and the changes made to the Constitution of Ukraine would require the shift in methodological and functional approaches to the prosecutor’s functions, head of pre-trial agency powers and significant transformation of the pre-trial investigation stage, private prosecution, and compensation of damage in criminal proceedings. It is proposed to provide in the CPC of Ukraine the notion of criminal proceedings as a unified to all forms of prosecution against which a person can defend itself and which is decided by a court; public prosecution as a prosecution which is upheld by a prosecutor; private prosecution as a prosecution which is upheld prospectively by a victim. In addition, the normative model of private prosecution needs transformation, the classic model of private prosecution should be brought back with the accurate list of exclusions regarding the possibility of their initiation by a prosecutor when the circumstances of the committed criminal offence require it and to point that in such case the prosecution is transforming into public.

Due to the absence of prosecutor’s power to represent the interests of citizens in the Constitution of Ukraine the obligatory normative security of professional legal representation of a victim should be provided in the CPC of Ukraine as well as in the Law of Ukraine ‘On free legal aid’ at least in the interest of citizens which, due to their physical condition, old age, incapacity or limited legal capacity, cannot protect their rights on their own.

Key words: prosecutor, function, public prosecution, private prosecution, procedural guidance, supervision, representation.