ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

The concept and essence of the institution of reconciliation in the criminal process of Ukraine

Pages: 144-150
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Based on the study of the current legislation, by-laws and scientific sources, the main provisions for regulating the mechanism of reconciliation in the territory of Ukraine are covered. The problems that require attention of the legislator are displayed, and proposals for their elimination are presented.

The article highlights the main elements that are relevant to application of the reconciliation procedure envisaged by the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine.  An analysis of the main characteristics of the procedure for exemption from criminal liability in connection with the reconciliation of the perpetrator with the victim and the agreement on reconciliation. It is noted that the choice of the process of reconciliation through release from criminal responsibility or the conclusion of an agreement entirely depends on many factors - the subject, the given harm, the type of a criminal offense, etc. The author argues that, despite the gaps, the institution of reconciliation is characterized by significant development and frequent practical application. The article presents the main concepts for the definition of the concept of reconciliation.

It is determined that the institution of reconciliation needs to be improved as in the grace of the concept of reconciliation at the legislative level. It is in connection with the above that there is a need for improvement and legislative regulation of such stages of reconciliation as initiation, negotiation and fixation of the achieved result.

Key words: reconciliation, compromise, exemption from criminal responsibility, agreement on reconciliation. 
