ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

The tactical and organizational basis of processing of some covert investigative (search) actions at the initial stage of investigation of home invasion robbery

Pages: 182-188
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The problem issues of the tactical and organizational principles of conducting cover investigative (search) actions at the initial stage of investigation of home invasion robberies were analyzed in the article, in accordance with the norms of the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine, other normative legal acts, data of investigative and judicial practice and scientific sources,  The article contains some suggestions of the necessity of qualitative the organizational and tactical support for the conduct of cover investigative (search) actions.

The effectiveness of the initial stage of the investigation of robberies committed with housing penetration depends to a large extent on the organization and tactics of the investigation.

The effectiveness of the initial stage of the investigation of robbery committed with the penetration to house, largely depends on the organization and tactics of the investigation.  The investigator is responsible for the organization and tactics of the investigation, additionaly, investigator is responsible for the reasonableness of the tactical decisions, wich were taken, since the criminal procedure of robberies was started.

The specificity of the conduction of cover investigative operations is determined by the severity of this type of crime. The peculiarities of robberies and the specific conditions of their conduction are penetration into the home.

In addition to, the article contains the issue of the decision to conduct cover investigative (search) actions. According to the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine such decision is taken by the investigating judge upon the request of the prosecutor or at the request of the investigator, agreed with the prosecutor, is discussed and argued.

Key words: organizational  and tactical principles, cover investigative (search) actions, initial stage of investigation, robbery, penetration into the home, home invasion robbery, investigative situations. 
