ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Organization and procedure of conducting secret investigation (search) actions at the initial phase of the investigation of terrorist acts committed with the use of improvised explosive devices

Pages: 128-135
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific sources on criminology and practical materials, the problematic issues of the organization and order of conducting private investigatory (search) actions at the initial stage of the investigation terrorist acts committed with the use of a self-made explosive device are analyzed. It is concluded that the success of the disclosure, investigation and judicial review of a terrorist act committed with the use of a self-made explosive device depends, first of all, on the proper professional processing of its initial stage, as well as in the professional organization of carrying out secret investigative (search) actions at this stage and adhered to the established procedure for conducting them.

Pre-trial investigation of a terrorist act committed with the use of an explosive device begins from the moment when the criminal proceedings commenced by the subject of the criminal act are received, which is a legal fact that gives rise to the relevant criminal-procedural legal relations. The introduction information to the URPR determines the moment when pre-trial investigation begins.

A prerequisite for an effective solution problems of criminal justice is the proper organization of both the investigation as a whole and its individual stages. The organization of the investigation is to ensure optimal conditions for its most effective implementation of criminal proceedings in accordance with the requirements of the criminal procedural law.

The most effective unconscious investigators (search) in the tactical operations of the initial stage investigation of terrorist acts committed with the help of a homemade explosive device are: location of the radio electronic device, if known the approximate time of laying the homemade explosive de- vice on the object; the removal of information from electronic information systems in order to identify the commentators, disseminate information on the Internet about a terrorist act; removal information from transport telecommunication networks; audio, video control of the person; the observation of a person, thing or place that is expedient, first of all, in relation to a suspected person in committing a terrorist act, accomplice in a crime.

Keywords: organization, initial stage of investigation, secret investigative (search) actions, terrorist act, homemade explosive device.
