ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Operative-search counteraction of crime in prison as a private theory of operative-search activity

Pages: 136-142
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article substantiates the necessity of distinguishing within the limits of the theory of operative-search activity of the private theory of operative-detective counteraction to crime in places of deprivation of liberty. The present state of the development of the theory of operational and investigative activity is analyzed and the position of scientists is systematized in relation to modern directions of its development. Taking into account the work of the researchers, the available scientific approaches to the system of separate theories of operative and investigative science are singled out. Based on the methodological approaches developed within the philosophy of science and the theory of operative-search activity characterized modern forms of systematization of scientific knowledge. Attention is drawn to the fact that, as in other humanities, the development of the theory of operational-search activity is carried out through the integration and differentiation of scientific knowledge, and also the main directions of the process of differentiation are singled out.

The methodological unity of the processes of development of scientific knowledge between criminology and the theory of operative-search activity is noted, as well as the conclusions made regarding the current state of scientific comprehension of the theory of operational and investigative activity are noted. Attention is drawn to the fact that the development of the theory of operative-search activity is based on the model of the formation of separate theories of counteraction to specific forms of criminal activity, as well as the complex combination of this problem and the analysis of the peculiarities of operational and investigative activity of individual subjects of operational and investigative activities. Separate formed within the operational-search activity of individual theories of counteraction to specific forms of crime.

The general scientific features of formation of private scientific theories are characterized, in particular the stages of formation of private theories are singled out. It is substantiated that the general stages of the formation of separate scientific theories are characteristic for the private theory of operative-search criminal activity in places of imprisonment. The boundaries of the subject of the private theory of operative-detective counteraction to crime in places of deprivation of liberty are substantiated.

Key words: theory of operative-search activity, prison, private (concrete) theory of science, methodology of the theory of operative-search activity, level of scientific knowledge. 
