ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Actual problems of combating corruption in Ukraine

Pages: 116-121
Year: 2017
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Paper analyses the problems of combating corruption in Ukraine as one of the most important government tasks. Existing forms of corruption and the probable risks of the emergence of its new forms are determined by a wide range of objective and subjective reasons that are specific for the conditions of radical political and socio-economic changes in society and the state.

The author notes that a central place in the national mechanism for combating corruption belongs to law enforcement agencies. In order to counter corruption the state creates relevant central government agencies with a special status and law enforcement agencies to combat corruption.

However, these bodies face a number of problems associated with the lack of quality legislative framework, systematic approaches to the activities of anti-corruption and their interaction with civil society in this area are not developed, there is no conceptual vision of organizational and legal support of combating corruption.

It is noted that the issue of combating corruption is actual given to the significant public attention to this activity, as well as to the high level of distrust to government entities and high latent corruption of officials.

The main purpose of the anti-corruption reform is a significant reduction of corruption in Ukraine, reduction of the losses of the state budget and business through corrupt activities, and the improvement of Ukraine’s positions in international rankings that assess the level of corruption.

The author emphasizes that the reduction of corruption preconditions, increasement of social cost of public service and increasement of the risk of committing a corrupt act is the basis of anti-corruption policy.

Keywords: corruption, illegal profit, corruption offense, anti-corruption legislation, system of combating corruption. 
