ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Psychiatricaspects of the evaluationofpersons who have committedsexual offenses

Pages: 123-130
Year: 2016
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


In the article the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches to forensic-psychiatric assessment of the persons who committed sex crimes is carried out. Definition of the concept "paraphilia", according to the operating MKB is given, its disadvantages and the possible prospects of changes in the following MKB are taped. The analysis of use of category of "a limited sanity" in various criminal codes of the European countries is carried out, need of entering of certain changes into the existing criminal code of Ukraine concerning a possibility of recognition "limited responsibility "persons who suffer from paraphilias (including a pedophilia) and uses concerning them the corresponding punishment and coercive measures of medical character.

It is noted that mental abnormalities, starting from the first years of life may prevent the emergence and development of adequate sex-role-playing systems, awareness of itself as an equal and equal participant sexual relations. Yes, psychopathy and effects of traumatic brain injury are able to create the feeling of sexual inadequacy, insufficiency. Moreover, early in life, such as in male children may be laid foundations subjective misperceptions women as threatening, destructive force. Because of this people in adult life in relations with representatives of the opposite sex begins to take a defensive position where the best way to protect ‒ the attack. This explains the facts that many rapes engaged offenders with mental abnormalities, accompanied by brutal beating and bullying.

Established that sexual preference disorders have similar etiology, confirmed the results of the close relationship with issues of sexual deviations statevorolevoyi socialization. While mental disorders that accompany sexual deviations observed communication difficulties at the beginning of the disease causing trouble mastering role stereotypes.

Key words: forensic psychiatric examination; responsibility ‒ limited responsibility – irresponsibility; sexual offenses. 
