ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Prospects of methodical forensic software of economic crimes investigation

Pages: 181-187
Year: 2016
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article shows the current state and prospects of methodical forensic software of economic crimes investigation based on the analysis of the current state of legal regulation economic areas by state, changes and new trends in the criminal process, practices materials and results of the survey of investigators and prosecutors.

The author found that methodical forensic software must pass five stages (stages) before the development to methods of investigating economic crimes. The first stage ‒ the study the economic crime situation in the state. The second stage ‒ the analysis of Ukrainian legislation, which establishes criminal liability for committing economic crimes. The third stage – the study and generalization of investigative, judicial, expert practice of economic crimes investigation. The fourth stage ‒ analysis of criminal procedural law and identify procedural problems that exist in the economic crime investigation. The fifth stage – development of forensic aspects of overcoming high latency of economic crime.

Having analyzed all five stages author concluded that further prospective research would be aimed at the development and practical implementation of integrated methods for economic crimes investigation, including economic crimes across the border with the involvement of organized international character criminal groups, the Internet, the latest achievements in computer engineering.

Regarding the development of certain methods of investigation by a certain type of economic crime prospective should be science researches on implementing features the tactics of covert investigative (detective) action, the use of international legal assistance in investigations, use of polygraph to establish the circumstances of the criminal offense, the establishment of guidelines for both the pre-trial investigation, and for trial criminal proceedings.

Keywords: economic crimes; criminal procedure; methodical forensic software perspective. 
