- Journal Issues
- № 3-4 2020 Actual problems of criminal justice
- Problems of interdisciplinary research
Author: Гребенюк А.В. Hrebeniuk A.
Pages: 160-167
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd
Abstract. Legal linguistics is formed at the intersection of jurisprudence and philology. In the conditions of its formation the problems of its content, localization of place and role, the use in improvement of language maintenance of law-making, law-interpreting, law-enforcement processes, preparation of lawyers and development of legal science are actualized. The purpose of the article is to clarify and update the concept, purpose, functions and tasks of legal linguistics. The concept of legal linguistics is formulated taking into account its localization in scientific, educational and practical spheres. The goals, functions and tasks of jurisprudence have been updated. The prospects of further research of linguistic aspects of Ukrainian jurisprudence are determined. Legal linguistics is: interdisciplinary science, academic discipline and a tool for the implementation and improvement of language support of legal activities. The purpose of legal linguistics is to integrate linguistic and legal knowledge and the development of new science within linguistics itself, the implementation and improvement of law-making, interpretive, law enforcement processes, as well as the formation of language skills, knowledge and skills necessary for jurisprudence. Taking into account the multifaceted nature of jurisprudence, nominative, epistemological, communicative, regulatory, emotional-expressive, aesthetic, cultural, communicative, cognitive, heuristic, explanatory, instrumental, technological, ideological, expert-evaluation, practical functions are inherent to it. The tasks of legal linguistics include: scientific support for solving problems of jurisprudence; educational support of legal practice; application of legal linguistics tools in practice. Key words: legal linguistics, content of legal linguistics, formation of legal linguistics, research of linguistic aspects of Ukrainian jurisprudence. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION- Zakon Ukrainy «Pro naukovu i naukovo-tekhnichnu diialnist». [in Ukrainian].
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