ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 168-177
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Annotation. The article states that in the XXI century the Internet and social networks are increasingly used to the detriment of national interests. Due to the total computerization and digitalization of humanity, cyberspace is becoming an environment for cybercrime. At the same time, the threat of excessive distribution of destructive content to manipulate the minds of citizens is urgent. In view of the above, the purpose of the article is to develop effective organizational and legal methods to combat this negative phenomenon. It is noted that the current legislation establishes an exclusive list of grounds for processing (and as its component – collection) of personal data. Among them, one of the key, in the context of the collection of personal data on the Internet, except in some cases, is the consent of the personal data subject. However, it was concluded that, currently, not all Internet resources or mobile applications warn about the processing of personal information. Preferably, you can find out by analyzing the appropriate settings or permissions (sometimes by default). Also, according to the privacy policy of social networks, mobile applications, access to the processing of personal data is a prerequisite for the use of services. That is, there is no alternative, and the consent itself by its legal nature is conditionally voluntary. It is alleged that the issue of processing information (personal data) about third parties is problematic. After all, in the case when a user provides access to his own page on a social network or a phone book – he automatically provides access to data about third parties without any of their personal consent. That is, in practice there is a situation in which the right to protection of this category of persons is systematically violated. The legal experience of the European Union countries in the field of ensuring the security of personal data of citizens is analyzed. The final part of the study emphasizes that the users of the Internet and social networks are representatives of public authorities, local governments, servicemen, employees of national law enforcement agencies and special services, and other secret agents. Accordingly, further scientific development requires strengthening of legal support and purposeful application of organizational measures, first of all, in the specified environment which can be used by foreign special services, in particular by the Russian Federation, in the interests. Key words: social network, Internet, destructive influence, international legal experience of personal data protection, cyberspace.   REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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