ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 28-37
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article discusses some problematic aspects and features of fixing the course and results of an unspoken secret investigatory (detective) activity – the extracting information from transportation telecommunication networks (hereinafter – TTN). The author notes that taking into account the vast majority of secret investigatory (detective) activities (hereinafter – SIDA) related to the extracting information from TTN (more than 70% in relation to other types of SIDA), and the use of their results in the interests of criminal justice, a natural question arises to ensure the correct recording of the course and results of the SIDA. The conducted study of investigative and judicial practice clearly showed that there are certain problems of fixing this procedural action, which are caused both by the human factor (improper execution of procedural documents, neglect of regulatory requirements and instructions, banal formalism, etc.) and gaps and some imperfections in the regulatory settlement of this issue. This naturally leads to the recognition of the evidence provided by the prosecution at the court hearing, obtained as a result of extracting information from TTN, as improper, which negates the work of the pre-trial investigation bodies. The main purpose of this article is to reasonably prove the need to study the issue of fixing the course and results of extracting information from TTN, determining the requirements for this procedural action and for documents that would provide the information obtained during this SIDA, the legal status of evidence in criminal proceedings. According to the results of the analysis of the relevant legislation and the study of investigative and judicial practice, the author identified typical shortcomings in the preparation of protocols for recording the course and results of this SIDA, which led to the court’s recognition of the evidence as inadmissible. In this regard, the author formulated proposals for improving certain norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and proposed a number of practical recommendations to prevent errors in the preparation of protocols on the conduct of this procedural action. Key words: Fixation, protocol, secret investigatory (detective) activity, transportation telecommunication networks, criminal process.   REFERENCE LIST LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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