ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 68-80
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article considers the problematic issues of circulation in the country of rifled hunting weapons as the only type of rifled firearms allowed for possession and storage at the place of residence of all categories of citizens of Ukraine who have reached a certain age and have no criminal record or medical contraindications. The normative documents which, in the absence of the corresponding Law, regulate the order of circulation of civilian firearms in the state are analyzed. Forensic features of hunting firearms are formulated and it is concluded that a significant number of samples of weapons sold on the territory of Ukraine as hunting weapons do not correspond to them. Citing specific examples from his own expert practice, the author argues that due to the lack of effective legal regulation of arms trafficking in the state, in fact, it is impossible to define a clear line between hunting weapons that are allowed to possess and store at the owner’s residence and other weapons (combat, sports, multi-purpose, self-defense, etc.), the civil circulation of which is prohibited or restricted in Ukraine. Based on the experimental shooting, it is proved that some samples of registered hunting firearms intended for firing with 9x21 IMI pistol cartridges do not provide guaranteed damage to animals and birds during hunting due to low rates of fire. It is concluded that the current standards governing the requirements for rifled firearms and ammunition are imperfect and contain technical and logical inconsistencies with other regulations, and therefore need to be revised. The article also proposes ways to improve the regulatory framework for the circulation of rifled hunting firearms in the country in compliance with the requirements of legislation and policy documents on the adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the European Union. Key words: reconstructed neutralized weapons, signs of restoration of weapons, traces on fired bullets and cartridge cases, a Leica FS C comparative microscope, a multifunctional BalScan bullet and cartridge identification complex.   REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION 1. Instruktsiia pro poriadok vyhotovlennia, prydbannia, zberihannia, obliku, perevezennia ta vykorystannia vohnepalnoi, pnevmatychnoi i kholodnoi zbroi, prystroiv vitchyznianoho vyrobnytstva dlia vidstrilu patroniv, sporiadzhenykh humovymy chy analohichnymy za svoimy vlastyvostiamy metalnymy snariadamy nesmertelnoi dii, ta zaznachenykh patroniv, a takozh boieprypasiv do zbroi ta vybukhovykh materialiv [Instructions on the procedure for the manufacture, acquisition, storage, accounting, transportation and use of firearms, pneumatic and cold weapons, devices of domestic production for firing cartridges, equipped with rubber or metal projectiles similar in their properties of non-lethal action, and the specified cartridges, as well as ammunition for weapons and of explosive materials] zatverdzhenoi nakazom MVS Ukrainy vid 21.08.1998 № 622 data zvernennia 11.08.2021 [in Ukrainian].
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