ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 92-99
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article is devoted the studying of the existing approaches of administrative law scholars to the understanding of the concept of «mechanism». The purpose of the article is the formation of the author’s vision of the concept of administrative and legal protection of public interest in the activities of institutional investors. The author emphasizes the multifaceted nature of the concept of «mechanism» in legal science, pointing out that it is most often found in scientific works in the following phrases: «mechanism of legal regulation», «mechanism of rights protection», «mechanism of ensuring rights», «mechanism of health protection», «law-making mechanism», «management mechanism». The author considered the concept of the mechanism of administrative and legal protection of the public interest in the activities of institutional investors from the standpoint of praxeology, noting that the protection mechanism allows assessing the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the entire public governance system. The mechanism of public governance for the purpose of protecting public interests in the activities of institutional investors is considered as part of the entire mechanism of public governance of the activities of institutional investors, which is used to eliminate contradictions (potential or real) between various subjects of the public governance system in order to ensure the protection of public values. As a result, the author offers his definitions of the mechanism of public governance of the activities of institutional investors for the purpose of protecting the public interest of the element of the system of public governance of the activities of institutional investors, which characterizes its effectiveness and consists of a complex of forms and methods, with the help of which governance influence is ensured on all participants of the public governance system with the aim of eliminating contradictions between their interests (potential or real) to ensure the implementation and observance of the interests (values) of society. Key words: mechanism, investment, institutional investor, public interest, public governance, administrative and legal protection.   REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY ARTICLES
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