ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 112-121
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Annotation. The article states that in recent years global cyberspace has been more objectively assessed by the world community as one of the most important security priorities, as its functioning is a significant factor in the development of the economy, military, social, security and other sectors. The threat of hacking Internet systems with criminal intent or in the interests of special services of foreign countries is on the same level as terrorism, espionage and the use of weapons of mass destruction. Taking into account the insufficient experience of counteracting the specified negative phenomena by special entities, the help of foreign partners and the use of their diverse efforts in this direction is considered relevant. Taking into account the above, the purpose of the article is to analyze the organizational activities of certain special entities of foreign states in the field of cyber security. It is claimed that special services of the Russian Federation are purposefully carrying out cyber attack campaigns in the USA and EU countries. These challenges led to the formation of the socalled cyber troops Analyzing open sources of information, we can come to the conclusion that at the official level their existence is recognized only in a part of the countries in the world (USA, Iraq, Great Britain, Russian Federation, etc.), but in reality they function in almost every developed state. It is noted that currently Ukraine organizes cooperation with international partners on a systematic basis, and one of the priority steps should be the development of national legislation taking into account the provisions of the updated strategy of the European Union in the field of cyber security in the conditions of digital modernization for the coming years. One of the primary tasks in the specified area is also the formation of an effective mechanism for ensuring the security of the information space, taking into account the relevant best international experience. To a large extent, this concerns our country in view of European integration hopes, the need to implement effective mechanisms for the development of the economy, modern information technologies, etc., and the country’s stay in a state of «undeclared war» on the part of the Russian Federation. Key words: cyber security, cyber army, cyber space, Internet network.   REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
  1. Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union (2016) 194 Official Journal of the European Union 1–30. 2. EU’s CS (2021) Cybersecurity: Council adopts conclusions on the EU’s cybersecurity strategy data zvernennia 21.09.2021.
  1. Pohoretskyi M, Shelomentsev V, Poniattia kiberprostoru yak seredovyshcha vchynennia zlochyniv [Concept of cyberspace as an environment for committing crimes] (2009) 2 Informatsiina bezpeka liudyny, suspilstva, derzhavy 77–81 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Chernysh R, Zaluchennia hromadskosti do zabezpechennia kiberbezpeky derzhavy (za prykladom Velykobrytanii) [Involvement of the public in ensuring the cyber security of the state (by the example of Great Britain)] (2017) Naukovi chytannia 198–202 [in Ukrainian].
  1. Istoriia informatsiino-psykholohichnoho protyborstva [History of informational and psychological struggle] Pidruchnyk (K., Nauk. – vyd. viddil NA SB Ukrainy, 2012) 212 [in Ukrainian].
  1. Brytanyia predupredyla ob otvetnыkh merakh v sluchae khakerskykh atak [The British Ministry of Defense accused Russia of cyber attacks] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  2. Brytanskaia razvedka yshchet kyber-ahentov sredy devochek-podrostkov [British intelligence is looking for cyber-agents sredi devochek-podrostkov] data zvernennia 21.09.2021. [in Ukrainian].
  3. Chotyryrichnyi ohliad oborony [Quadrennial Defense Review] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  4. Global Cybersecurity Index URL:
  5. Get Safe Online week data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  6. Minoborony Brytanii zvynuvatylo rf u kiberatakakh [The British Ministry of Defense accused Russia of cyber attacks] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian]
  7. Pravytelstvo Velykobrytanyy potratyt $2,3 mlrd na ukreplenye kyberbezopasnosty [The British government will spend $2.3 billion to strengthen cyber security] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  8. Velykobrytanyia potratyt 1,9 mlrd funtov sterlynhov (2,1 mlrd evro) na usylenye kyberbezopasnosty v strane v techenye blyzhaishykh piaty let [Great Britain will spend 1.9 billion pounds sterling (2.1 billion euros) to strengthen cyber security in the country over the next five years] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  9. U shkolakh Anhlii vvedut zaniattia z kiberbezpeky [Cyber security classes will be introduced in schools in England] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
  10. U YeS z’iavytsia pidrozdil kiberbezpeky – Cyber Rapid Response Team [Cyber security unit – Cyber Rapid Response Team will appear in the EU] data zvernennia 21.09.2021 [in Ukrainian].
