ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 74-89
Year: 2022
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article explored the issues of the functioning of the advocacy during the russian-­ukrainian war. The main challenges that were put before ukrainian advocates within the country and abroad were analyzed. Ways of solving the difficulties associated with the war were identified. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and trends in the development of the ukrainian аdvocacy during a full-scale war, formulate recommendations and proposals for improving the stability of its functioning in a crisis. The paper drew attention to the fact that during the war the needs of clients and lawyers changed, in particular, security needs and physiological needs became priority, the number of clients decreased, so a significant part of the lawyer profession was on the verge of survival. A generalization of the practice of the functioning of the legal profession during a full-scale war allowed the author to define out the following general stages of its development: 1) shock; 2) survival; 3) restoration and gradual performance to pre-war indicators, expansion of potential. The article formulated practical recommendations for ensuring effective advocate’s activity, as well as maintaining the stability of the advocacy system during the war. The necessity of normative regulation of the obligation of the bodies of the advocate’s self-government to evacuate the relevant materials of office work was argued in the event of a declaration of a state of war or the introduction of martial law, the presence of a threat of military seizure of the community in which such a body is located. It was concluded that in the conditions of a full-scale war, the ukrainian advocacy experienced severe trials, which differed in geographical, chronological and sectoral aspects, while at the same time, the professional community demonstrated the existence of a sufficient resource of strength and institutional stability, for the further strengthening of which the need to amend the Law of Ukraine «On the advocacy and advocate’s activity» was justified. Keywords: advocate, advocacy, war, advocate’s dossier, martial law, blackout, organizational forms of the advocate’s activity. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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  3. AAU zvernulasja do mizhnarodnykh kompanij shhodo neobkhidnosti prypynennja ekonomichnoji dijaljnosti na terytoriji RF [AAU appealed to international companies regarding the need to stop economic activity on the territory of the Russian Federation.] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  4. APU zaklykala IBA, ABA ta NYSBA vykljuchyty z chlenstva predstavnykiv Rosijsjkoji Federaciji. 01 bereznja 2022 roku [UBA called on IBA, ABA and NYSBA to exclude representatives of the Russian Federation from membership] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  5. APU z 4 zhovtnja vidkryvaje dlja svojikh chleniv bezkoshtovnyj kovorkingh u Kyjevi [Starting from October 4, UBA opens a free co-working space in Kyiv for its members.] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  6. Asociacija pravnykiv Ukrajiny vystupyla z oficijnoju zajavoju shhodo vijsjkovykh dij Rosijsjkoji Federaciji proty Ukrajiny. 24 ljutogho 2022 roku [The Ukrainian Bar Association issued an official statement regarding the military actions of the Russian Federation against Ukraine] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
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  9. Minekonomiky poperednjo ocinjuje padinnja VVP v 2022 roci na rivni 30,4% [The Ministry of economy preliminarily estimates the drop in GDP in 2022 at the level of 30.4%] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
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  11. Ogholoshujemo pro provedennja kursu z pidvyshhennja kvalifikaciji dlja ukrajinsjkykh advokativ u Poljshhi [We announce the holding of a training course for ukrainian advocates in Poland] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
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  13. Reghionaljni rezuljtaty doslidzhennja stanu ta potreb biznesu v umovakh vijny (27.06.2022) [Regional results of the study of the state and needs of business in the conditions of war] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
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  15. Shhodo zberezhennja arkhiviv ta oblikiv Rady advokativ ta KDKA Vinnycjkoji oblasti. [Regarding the preservation of archives and records of the Bar Council and QDCA of Vinnytsia region] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  16. Shhonajmenshe 5 miljjoniv ljudej v Ukrajini vtratyly robotu– Minekonomiky [Atleast 5 million people in Ukraine have lost their jobs – Ministry of Economy] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  17. Stan ta potreby biznesu v umovakh vijny: rezuljtaty opytuvannja v lystopadi 2022 roku [The state and needs of business at war: results of the november 2022 survey.] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  18. Zvit pro mizhnarodnu blaghodijnu dopomoghu ukrajinsjkym advokatam (ljutyj-lystopad 2022 roku). [Report on international charitable assistance to ukrainian advocates] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
  19. Zvit «Shvydka ocinka zavdanoji shkody ta potreb na vidnovlennja– serpenj 2022» spiljno pidghotovlenyj Svitovym bankom, Urjadom Ukrajiny ta Jevropejsjkoju Komisijeju. [The report «Rapid assessment of damage and recovery needs – august 2022»] data zvernennya 15.12.2022 [in Ukrainian].
