ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 176-184
Year: 2022
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article analyzes the current criminal procedural legislation on the regulation, grounds, and procedural procedure for restricting property rights during the application of measures to ensure criminal proceedings in the form of seizure of property. The problem of applying for the seizure of property on the basis of the decision of the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (or his deputy), approved by the prosecutor, was also highlighted. The purpose of the article is the scientific result, as to the grounds, and procedural order of restriction of the right of ownership during the application of the event providing for criminal proceedings in the form of arrest of property. According to the results of the study the following conclusions were made: 1) the legal grounds of restriction of property rights during the application of the event providing criminal proceedings in the form of arrest of property are: 1) the decision of the investigating judge or court on arrest of property (part 1 of art. 170 CPC); 2) the decision of the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (or his deputy), agreed by the prosecutor, to impose a previous arrest on property or funds on accounts of individuals or legal entities in financial institutions (part 9 of Article 170 of the CPC); 3) the decision of the head of the prosecutor’s office, if there is no objective opportunity to perform the investigating judge’s powers envisaged by Article. 170, 173 CPC of Ukraine in conditions of military condition (part 2 of art. 615 CPC of Ukraine). That is why, in our opinion, it is advisable to make changes to part 2 of Art. 16 CPC and present it in the following revision: «On the grounds and in the order provided by this Code, temporary removal of property and preliminary arrest on property or funds on accounts of natural or legal persons in financial institutions without a court decision is allowed». 2) part 9 of the article. 170 the CPC also needs to be amended, namely, concretization, since the absence of a definition in the law of the list of urgent cases leads to significant misunderstandings in practice and is not consistent with the principle of legal certainty, which requires the clarity and certainty of legal norms; 3) on the basis of the study of criminal procedural legislation (art. art. 171–175 CPC) procedural procedure of application of the measure of providing criminal proceedings in the form of arrest of property can be presented as follows: appeal of the prosecutor, the investigator upon agreement with the prosecutor or civil plaintiff to the investigating judge with a request to arrest the property; consideration of the investigating judge petition on arrest of the property; resolution of the issue of arrest of the property; the delivery of the copy took place on the arrest of the property. execution of the resolution on arrest of property. Key words: inviolability of property rights, measure to ensure criminal proceedings, seizure of property, grounds for seizure of property, procedural procedure for seizure of property. REFERENCES LIST OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS LEGISLATION
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