ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Actual data and their meaning for documentation by operational units crimes in the sphere of refinancing by National Bank Of Ukraine the domestic banks

Pages: 54-62
Year: 2015
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


In article revealed problem issues of the definition concept of actual data, its content and their meaning for documentation by operational units of law enforcement authorities crimes in the sphere of refinancing by National Bank Of Ukraine the domestic banks. It is noted that in spite of the growth in the last decade of criminal offenses in this area, searching and fixing actual data of wrongful acts of individuals and groups carried out not efficient enough, as evidenced by the materials of practice. One of the reasons for this is the complexity in understanding by the operational units concept and content of actual data of wrongful acts of these persons and groups, the lack of unity of opinion of scientists in relation to the scientific and legal categories.

Based on the results of analysis of scientific and legal sources formulated the concept actual data, revealed their content and ratio of operational information and procedural evidence. It is noted that the actual data are not any information, not any data on criminal offenses. Actual data – is the data about facts (the circumstances) criminal offenses with probable character. Therefore, during documentation criminal offenses in the sphere of refinancing by National Bank Of Ukraine the domestic banks the operational units must make efforts for obtaining exactly actual data about criminal offenses, but not operational information, that have the probable character, because only actual data can be used in criminal procedural proving, attain the status of evidence in way and form defined of criminal procedural law for each type of evidence.

Keywords: actual data, evidence, documentation, criminal offenses, operational units, refinancing, National Bank Of Ukraine. 
