ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

On the name of chapter VII the Special part of the Criminal code of Ukraine

Pages: 122-129
Year: 2015
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The issues related to the improvement of names Section VII Special Section of the Criminal Code of Ukraine «Crimes in the sphere of economic activity». Outlined some of the historical background of the problem, given the constitutional provisions on the legal regulation of the respective sphere of public relations. Revealed scholarly position on the interpretation of the concept of «economic crimes» and its analogues. We present the case for the use of the criminal law concept of «crimes against the market economy.»

The term «market economy» is defined differently in various sources. Here are just a few definitions. Market economy means a socio-economic system that is based on the principles of free entrepreneurship and choice and is developed on the basis of private property and commodity-money relations. This is the type of economy that is organized on the basis of market self-regulation, in which coordination of participants’ actions is carried by the state, namely – by legislature and judiciary directly, and by executive branch – indirectly, through the introduction of various taxes, duties, privileges and more. Only decisions by buyers, suppliers of goods and services themselves determine the structure of distribution in such economy.

Keywords: economy, crimes in economic activity, economic crimes, crimes against the market economy, the concept of criminal object of the crime. 
