ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Trace picture as the source of the evidence-based information during the investigation of violations of privacy

Pages: 192-197
Year: 2015
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The article deals with the criminological characteristics of the trace picture as an element of the evidence-based information source during the investigation of the violations of the privacy. Basing on the scientific approaches, materials of the investigation and litigation, current legislation of Ukraine, the author describes the features of the trace picture of the violation of privacy. The author also formulates own scientific approach to determine its nature and highlights the link with other trace picture elements of the criminological characteristics of a crime. Special attention is given to the classification model of the trace picture of the violation of privacy, which is based on criteria such as the way the crime and offender’s characteristics.

The results of the research, the author comes to the following conclusions: 1) defining the essence of painting as trace elements of criminological characteristics of breach of privacy is essential for its investigation, as a source of evidence-based information that is essential organizational and tactical importance in the investigation; 2) the trace picture violation of privacy is in correlation with other elements of its criminological characteristics as the study makes it possible to determine the trace mode and mechanism of the crime, get information about the offender, including exposing false testimony, concealed criminal evidence etc; 3) trace a picture of privacy is characterized by both material and ideal traces of the crime; 4) classification traces violation of privacy appropriate to use in the practice of law enforcement as it will encourage rapid, thorough and comprehensive detection and investigation of crime.

Keywords: investigation of violations of privacy, forensic technique, criminological characteristics, elements of the criminological characteristics of trace picture, evidence-based information, sources of the evidence-based information.
