ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 81-91
Year: 2021
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article discusses the issue of ballistic reconstruction of a shot depending on the situational circumstances of the use of firearms. The algorithm for determining the place of the shot, the angle of encounter and the line of approach based on gunshot damage, the angle of incidence and the azimuthal angle at the point of encounter of the projectile with an obstacle is highlighted. Forensic recommendations and possibilities of using the device for ballistic reconstruction of the shot, when solving expert tasks to establish the situational circumstances of the shot, are formulated. The design of the device and the materials used for its manufacture are described in detail. New methods of ballistic reconstruction of projectile movement are proposed, using as initial data the signs of gunshot injuries to the human body. The expediency of using the device to reconstruct the movement of a fired projectile even after a change in the situation at the scene of the incident or after the restoration of damaged objects is substantiated. Attention is focused on the condition of limited application of the imaging method. Systematized the most significant factors that affect the trajectory of the bullet after breaking through an obstacle, including: angle of encounter of the projectile with the obstacle, speed of the projectile, properties of the obstacle, structural features of the projectile. It has been proven that the azimuth angle and the angle of incidence are important for fixing in the spatial coordinate system the line of approach of the projectile to determine the possible place of the shot. Keywords: ballistic sighting, weapon examination, projectile trajectory, shot direction, gunshot damage, gunshot damage, AFTE, ENFSI. REFERENCES BIBLIOGRAPHY AUTHORED BOOKS
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