ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

Іскендеров Е.Ф.| Iskеnderov E.F.

Temporary access to things and documents as a instrument of obtaining evidence by a prosecution party in a pre-trial investigation: some problematic issues in the implementation of criminal procedural guarantees

№ 4 2017 Actual problems of criminal justice

Problems of criminal procedure

Criminal procedural guarantees of the prosecutor as a subject of averment during holding an inspection in a pre-trial investigation

№ 3 2017 Actual problems of criminal justice

Problems of criminal procedure

Interception of telecommunications transport networks as a means of obtaining evidence operational units

№ 4 2016 Actual problems of criminal justice

Problems of criminal procedure

Problematic issues of proving operational units during the covert investigation (search) action

№ 3 2016 The prosecution side in criminal proceedings

Problems of criminal procedure

Formation and development of pre-trial investigation authorities into the Charter of criminal justice of 1864 and their place in the criminal procedural proving

№ 4 2015 Evidence and proving in criminal procedure (part 2)

Problems of criminal procedure
