ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues

The system of principles scientific ensure of judicial activity

Pages: 136-145
Year: 2020
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


The scientific ensure of judicial activity is becoming more increasingly urgency due to ming more increasingly urgency due to conditions of continuing instability of social development, natural disaster of legislative regulation of public relations and ambiguous law enforcement. Researching of different aspects this type of organizational ensure of judicial activity will give an opportunity to effectively use scientific resource and achievements of science to achieve the goals of functioning of the judicial system of the state – ensuring everyone’s right to a fair trial.

However, effective realization of scientific ensure of judicial activity as autonomous spear which is determined by holistic system character, is possible to adhere to certain principles, which influence not only the content of the activity, but also determine the scope of such activities.

The goal of article is researching the principles of scientific ensure of judicial activity.

As a result of the analysis, the principles of the scientific support of the Court as certain «meta-principles» were concluded, that is, indicating the relatively autonomous system of principles. The latter are specifying approaches to the process of scientific support of judicial activity taking into account specific and different aspects (scientific, organizational, informational) of its entity.

The system principles of scientific ensure of court activity comprise:

The principle of research. Means that in the process of scientific ensure of judicial activity the primacy of objective scientific knowledge, which is achieved due to the system of principles and methods of scientific knowledge, on certain conjunctive interests (scientific truth should be above all).

The principle of ethics. Means that compliance with the subjects of scientific ensure of judicial activity in the process of its work norms, rules and requirements of scientific ethics.

The principle of proper organization. Means that compliance in the process of scientific ensure of judicial activity of such claims as: legality; non-interference, resource efficiency, transparency. The principle of informativeness. Means that a system of standards and requirements for information, which is processed and produced in the process of scientific support of the judiciary, as well as the treatment of such provisions. Its elements are such imperatives as objectivity, authenticity, completeness, value, relevance (efficiency), availability, comprehensibility of information.

Key word: court, judicial activity, scientific ensure, principal of scientific ensure.

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