ISSN 2413-5372, Certificate of state re-registration of КВ №25381-15321 ПР dated 01.07.2023.



Archive of Issues


Pages: 74-86
Year: 2023
Location: Pravova Ednist Ltd


Abstract. The article analyzes problematic issues of forensic characterization of espionage and its structural elements. The purpose of the article is to research and solve problematic issues of the forensic characterization of espionage and to substantiate its importance for documentation in operational investigative activities and pre-trial investigation. It was determined that the forensic characteristics of espionage is a generalized information model, which is a detailed systematized description of typical forensically significant signs of espionage, which is necessary for the construction and verification of investigative versions and is essential for its detection, disclosure and investigation. It has been proven that the forensic characteristics of espionage include the following structural elements: the object of the direct criminal offense, the method of commission, typical traces and information about the identity of the criminal. The essence and significance of each structural element for operational-investigative and forensic documentation of espionage in a pre-trial investigation is revealed. It is substantiated that knowledge of the structural elements of the forensic characteristics of espionage (the object of the direct criminal offense, the method of commission, typical traces and information about the identity of the criminal) is important for documenting espionage by means of counter-intelligence, operative and investigative activities in the course of their implementation, as well as by forensic means in the course of pre-trial investigation. It is emphasized that the employees of operative-investigative (counter-intelligence) units, as well as investigators (detectives) and prosecutors-procedural managers of criminal proceedings about espionage have a correct understanding of each of the elements of the forensic characteristics of espionage in combination with an understanding of the subject of evidence in criminal cases, as well as investigative signs espionage, makes it possible to effectively carry out counter-intelligence, operative-search activities and pre-trial investigation, respectively.

Key words: espionage, documentation, forensic characteristics, pre-trial investigation, investigative activity.




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